Preferred Name | Kejuan Richardson | City | Toledo | ||
Other Names Used | State | OH | |||
Age | 21 | Gender Identity | Gender Non-Conforming | ||
Race | Black | Date of Death | 11/14/2023 |
Crime Category: Random Violence | Weapon Used: Gun
On November 14th, 2023, in Toledo OH, Kejuan was with his friend, Amiri Reid, when the car he was in was run off the road and they were both shot. No motive has been determined.
Report: “When officers arrived, they found the victims each suffering from gunshot wounds. The coroner’s office report said an autopsy found Reid died from two gunshot wounds to the head and Richardson died from two gunshot wounds to the head and neck.
Police at the scene were searching a vehicle that appeared to have run off the road and had a window shot out.”
HRC: “The coroner’s office report said an autopsy found “Richardson died from two gunshot wounds to the head and neck and Reid died from two gunshot wounds to the head.”
Report: “Reid and Richardson were found suffering from gunshot wounds inside a blue car. The car had seemingly gone off-road and crashed into a light pole.
Reid was declared dead at 6:03 p.m. from two gunshot wounds to the head and Richardson was declared dead at 6:19 p.m. from two gunshot wounds to head and neck.
TPD officers at the scene Tuesday told WTOL 11 that the two victims died at the scene of the crash. It is unclear exactly where the shooting occurred.”
Location: Rosedale Avenue, Toledo, OH, at about 5:30 p.m.
Personal Information:
HRC: “Kejuan Richardson, a gender non-conforming Black man, loved to sing and is remembered for their deep love of music by friends and family.”
PGH Lesbian: “Kejuan Richardson, 21, was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. He went to Woodward High School. He’s been working for KFC since 2018. He liked The Avengers movies, basketball, and supporting local businesses, especially restaurants. Kejuan was a gay Black gender nonconforming person, much beloved by friends and family.”

Murder Suspect:

Jorenzo Phillips
19 | Black
Birthdate: 07/15/2004
Motive: Unknown
Charged: Murder
Hate Crime: Unknown
Last Public Update: 12/11/2023
Toledo Municipal Court, Lucas County, OH
Not much is know about why Jorenzo ran his victim’s car off the road or why he opened fire at them, killing them. He had a warrant out for his arrest when he committed suicide.
Report: “Jorenzo Phillips, 19, died Thursday in an apparent suicide by gunshot in an apartment on Clanora Drive in West Price Hill,” in Cincinnati, OH on Thanksgiving day.
Jorenzo had previously been arrested in July for having a loaded gun while indicted on a felony. Information on this additional charge is not readily available. CRA-23-07123-0101
Other reports indicate Jorenzo had a long violent criminal history, beginning at age 13 when he fired on a mother and a boy who angered him.
News Timeline: 11/14/2023 | 11/14/2023 | 11/21/2023 | 11/21/2023 | 11/24/2023 | 11/27/2023 | 12/11/2023
Baker, J. E. (2023, November 27). Coroner releases new details about Toledo double murder suspect found dead in Cincinnati – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. ABC 13. https://www.13abc.com/2023/11/27/coroner-releases-new-details-about-toledo-double-murder-suspect-found-dead-cincinnati/
Bentley, Q. (2023, November 24). Suspect in Toledo double homicide found dead in Cincinnati – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. The Enquirer. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/crime/2023/11/24/toledo-double-homicide-suspect-found-dead-in-cincinnati-police-say/71692669007/
Gerken, D. (2023, November 14). Investigative Services Division Press Release – Kejaun Richardson and Amiri Reid. Toledo Police Department. https://toledopolice.com/component/easyfolderlistingpro/?view=download&format=raw&data=eNpNj0FvwjAMhf9KlPs0uiHYvNtOO00Tf6Ay5KVESpsqTgEJ7b_PoUXsFPvlffYzU9PQVWhD1qfokO2H0EtDNvTcQZ5_MkTaHVwiWCD1U_12EuTZrlKg1VwidxOkPMZsybbtTavd24wN3KO2K7L12cxqcPc5CmXEkcvxn0tZH1wi7ux6TfYbZzFLLvNkvlIfDsHVcpcEjiMMD858xsn7yrySxaUs1ej8EhCXMWQ8rtCFXFwKH449BnXvb-q7EhmngPN8mIbuUuqihvn9A6SuZl4,
Keller, J. (2023, December 11). Remembering Kejuan Richardson, Gender Non-Confirming Black Man Killed in Toledo, Ohio. Human Rights Campaign. https://www.hrc.org/news/remembering-kejuan-richardson-gender-non-confirming-black-man-killed-in-toledo-ohio
Sue. (2023, November 17). How Do We Cope When Two Black Trans And GNC Young Adults Are Shot to Death in Ohio? – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. PGHLesbian. https://www.pghlesbian.com/2023/11/how-do-we-cope-when-two-black-trans-and-gnc-young-adults-are-shot-to-death-in-ohio/#
Toledo Clerk of Court. (2023). Case Information – Criminal/Traffic – Jorenzo Phillips – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. Toledo Clerk of Court. https://tools.tmc-clerk.com/caseinformation/criminaltraffic/default.aspx [Search Jorenzo Phillips + Birthdate: 7/15/2004 | Case numbers: CRA-23-07123-0101 CRA-23-11251-0101 CRA-23-11253-0101]
WTOL Newsroom. (2023, November 23). Warrant issued for suspect in shooting that killed two in Toledo Nov. 14 – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. WTOL11. https://www.wtol.com/article/news/crime/tpd-two-hospitalized-involved-in-shooting-toledo/512-b7ad6a9c-c25d-49ac-ae14-ff60dd43bcf6
WTVG Staff. (2023a, November 14). Two shot and killed in Toledo Tuesday night – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. ABC 13. https://www.13abc.com/2023/11/15/police-identify-two-men-killed-tuesday-evening-shooting/
WTVG Staff. (2023b, November 21). Toledo double murder suspect found dead – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. ABC 13. https://www.13abc.com/2023/11/21/tpd-issues-arrest-warrant-double-murder/
Ring, T. (2023, December 11). Black Trans Woman and Gender-Nonconforming Gay Man Killed in Ohio Double Murder – Kejuan Richardson and Amiri Reid. The Advocate. https://news.yahoo.com/black-trans-woman-gender-nonconforming-175433781.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAECs4F92OwG_ThtFL_yqlFrjqZfC0umP89Q5GnREkKaeDw3cRtDuCNV6KQubvqRWAI43dLskAVsm62TR11l8fCoNawvOfxbnztpwdCGQLDkoOkrE_A-r_6doXs9N0nCXyW0WyvHONeveqbzYo81Iso-oMtJQm5yUXhjNmCPjGvC_
WTOL11. (2023, November 24). Homicide suspect found dead in Cincinnati – Amiri Reid Kejuan Richarson. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_yAOCnFN0k
Young Black Lives Honored. (2023, November 24). 2 LGBT Friends Crashed After Ambush | EP. 186 Jae’Juan (Amiri Jean) Reid & Kejuan Richardson. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwJYP7WAocE
Images are publicly available through public sources, personal posts, family members and information websites as well as stills from cited videos and news websites. Images are digitally enhanced for artistic purposes. All information is accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge at time of publishing. Updates will be made as needed.